Possible use of plant compost in aquaculture

Credit of the photos:  Photos used in this information bite have been taken from a pool of photos which was given to me by friends who participated in Warm water fish production during 2009 and 2010. Identified names are: shared with me from El-Sadig Arbab Hagar (Sudan) and Lylian Wilfred Mguhi Lugobola (Tanzania). Thanks to course participants who shared with me 1000s of photos including these one.

This 4-slide bite addresses plant composting from the point of view on its possible use in aquaculture. The principles of composting as well as the requirements have been covered. These included the ratio between carbon to nitrogen in the compost materials, moisture, oxygen as well as other related factors. Examples of carbon-rich as well as nitrogen-rich materials are presented). Based on that, methods of composting which would provide the optimum composting environment has been also addressed. This bite ended by the possible use of plant compost in aquaculture whether in a form of fertilizer or mixed in fish feed. The bite has also some cautions and concerns in relation to the use of compost in aquaculture.

[important]Plant compost and aquaculture[/important]


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