Tag: dolphins and whales

Rescue attempt for a Killer whale in the north western region of SriLanka

Credit: Ajith Kumara (SriLanka) This photo was taken in the north western region of SriLanka showing and attempt to rescue a killer whale that stranded near sea shore.  As the animal still alive, naval officers try to pull the animal to the offshore area. More than 10 whales and dolphins stranding recorded in the country …

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Dolphins performing in the Sea World (general information – interaction with human – trade and conservation)

The video shows dolphin performance at the Sea World, San Diego, California, USA. The review is trying to bring in some information that goes with this video. Introduction: Dolphins that are affiliated to family Delphinidae belong to a group of marine mammals which are referred as cetaceans.  The group includes about forty species. Dolphins are found …

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Performing “Shamu” in the Sea World, San Diego, California, USA (video 2 of 2)

Source: www.fishconsult.org This video was taken during June 2012 in the Sea World (San Diego, California), USA. Shamu is the performing name for a group of whales known as “killer whales”, Orcinus orca. They are considered the top predator of the ocean whereas their food in nature mostly consist of fishes, squids, seabirds (including penguins), …

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Performing “Shamu” in the Sea World, San Diego, California, USA (Video)

Source: www.fishconsult.org This video was taken during June 2012 in the Sea World (San Diego, California), USA. Shamu is the performing name for a group of whales known as “killer whales”, Orcinus orca. They are considered the top predator of the ocean whereas their food in nature mostly consist of fishes, squids, seabirds (including penguins), …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=8704

White whale, Delphinapterus leucas (Reproduction, threat and conservation status) – Video

This video was taken at the Sea World, California, USA Life history and reproduction Males reach sexual maturity between four and seven years, while females mature at between six and nine years. The white whales can live more than 50 years. Female belugas typically give birth to one calf every three years. Gestation lasts 12 …

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White whale, Delphinapterus leucas (Introduction, description, distribution, feeding) – Video

This video was filmed at the Sea World, California, USA (June 2012) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) Introduction: The beluga whale and white whale are the common names for the Arctic and sub-Arctic cetacean species, Delphinapterus leucas, which belongs to family “monodontidae”.  We preferred to use white whale to avoid confusion with …

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