Costs and benefits arising from the establishment of maritime zones in the Mediterranean Sea

Ownership of these reports: MRAG Ltd, IDDRA and LAMANS Management Services

Provided and introduced by: George Triantaphyllidis (LAMANS)

These reports belong for a study which was funded by the European Union. The project “Costs and benefits arising from the establishment of maritime zones in the Mediterranean Sea (MARE/2010/ 5)” had an overall objective of shedding light on the costs and benefits of establishing maritime zones in the Mediterranean Sea, by: 1) Identifying the existing maritime zones established in the Mediterranean Sea, including protected areas falling within such zones and/or on the High Seas, their related rights and obligations, the impact on economic activities carried out therein, together with environmental and social considerations. 2)  Identifying the potentialities and challenges to further maritime zone establishment in the Mediterranean Sea and its sub-regions, and developing scenarios as appropriate, taking into account the current status as a point of departure. 3) In turn, qualifying and quantifying to the greatest extent possible the direct and indirect costs and benefits of maritime zone establishment, for both existing and potential zones/scenarios, also in the light of national, regional, EU and international policy goals, legislation and agreements.

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