Promoting small-scale aquaculture in Mexico – Case study

Credit: Kevin Fitzsimmons (USA)

Contributor: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)

The promotion of small-scale aquaculture in Mexico adopted several approaches during 1990s including but not limited to offering low-cost loan programs to social groups. Moreover, the governmental hatcheries which have been affiliated to the Mexican Ministry of Fisheries (SEPESCA); latter (SEMARNAP) supplied tilapia fingerlings to small producers and social groups. The main goal of the governmental support is to help the rural poor to improve their diet as well as raise the household standard of living. The progress in this project indicated a positive outcome as many small fish producers grew tilapia. Even though there has been some adjustment in the support process, the goal of assisting small farmers is still there. The photo shows the bagging of tilapia fry as carried out in a governmental hatchery for delivery to target small-scale farms in Sinaloa.

Reference: K. Fitzsimmons K. 2000. Tilapia aquaculture in Mexico. Pages 171–183 in B.A. Costa-Pierce and J.E. Rakocy, eds. Tilapia Aquaculture in the Americas, Vol. 2. The World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, United States.

Bagging tilapia fry for small-scale farms in Mexico


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