Migration of the gray whales: An extraordinary spectacle to watch – Video

Video credit: Hani El Malky (USA)

Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel and website)

This video was filmed on 24 December, 2014 during a 3-hour cruise.

This video was filmed during a whale watching cruise on 24 December, 2014. Several operators advertise about this 3-hour whale watching cruise. Even though, whales are the main target for this trip, dolphins and seals could also be watched. Also, choosing the time of these the right period for operating this cruise enhances the possibility of seeing the whales. Of course the experiences of the cruise crew cannot be overlooked.

Many of the tour operators who offer watching excursions have extensive knowledge of the whales and their migration habits.

About 20,000 of gray whales (Eschrichtius robustus); one of the largest mammals on earth are making a 10,000-mile round trip journey from the Arctic Sea south to the lagoons of Baja California, where the females give birth to their calves. The trip takes several months during which whales enjoy the warm water in Baja California water and provide their calves enough time to grow strong to make their journey back home north around April. This trip is the longest known migration undertaken by any mammal on an annual basis.

San Diego seems an optimum destination to watch the whales based on its 70 miles of coastline directly in the path of migrating whales. The whale watching season in San Diego runs from mid-December through April.

As you will see in this video, we were fortunate to see several whales in more than one location. The captain and his crew did an excellent job navigating out and tracking down to show the whales. We were able to see also many dolphins close to the end of this cruise. Throughout the journey, a technical crew member provided through microphone useful information about sea life.

The reaction throughout the journey varied from quietness, waiting turning into a real excitement upon watching the target animals especially the whales.



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