Adoption of integrated agriculture-aquaculture (IAA) in Malawi (Video)


Integated aquaculture agriculture (Malawi)





The video addresses the development and adoption of integrated agriculture-aquaculture (IAA) in Malawi. The WorldFish Center (formerly The International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management, ICLARM) in collaboration with Malawi Government and support of donors has been the primary agent in developing IAA approaches in Malawi during 1980s.

The IAA approach is based on the development of aquaculture technologies and to integrate these into low-input farming systems in the country.  The dissemination of IAA targeted to improve farm productivity, realizing higher household income and hence improved food consumption and so household health. In regard to natural resources, the IAA has been found to improve the use of soil and water.

Typically, IAA farmers grow high value crops such as vegetables in plots adjacent to fish ponds, which help diversify farm output and economic opportunity. Also, the use of some farm byproducts is a means of recycling nutrients with its positive environmental and economic impacts.

The interviews with project beneficiaries and the talk by the project expert cover the whole concept and so the outputs as well as the impacts of the project in Malawi.




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