Women in artisanal and subsistence fishery in Fiji

Photo credit: ICSF (Samudra – Volume 48)

Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)

Women in subsistence fishery in Fiji




The inserted picture was taken (as captioned), in Lau, Fiji, and shows a common fishing practice by women who use tidal changes to capture fish in pools using gillnets.

Women contribute significantly to the subsistence and artisanal fisheries in Fiji. Traditionally, women’s catch is first used to supply family and friends with food, and then any surplus is marketed. In coastal villages, many of the women are engaged on a part time basis in shoreline or tidal pool fishing. They used to use scoop nets and hand nets in conjunction with poisoning fish in the tidal pools. However, poising is no longer occurs due the national ban on the use of poison starting in 1996.



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