Video ownership: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nation (FAO)
Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel)
Rice-fish farming has a long history in Indonesia and is believed to go back to the mid-1800s. This technique has been found good for both the fish and the rice leading to increasing farm household income, and employment.
Fish produced from rice-fish are either fingerlings/juveniles to be used in grow-out systems or harvested as table-size fish.
The targeted production of juvenile fish is normally achieved after 40- 60 days when fish attain about 50-100 g are to be stocked in cages. In such case, the stocking rate is usually high whereas the stocking rates are much lower when marketable size fish is targeted. Field management also influences the stocking rates of fish in rice fields. When the table-size fish is targeted, the stocking rates in no-feeding system are usually low and may range of 1000- 1500 fingerlings/juveniles/ha while this rate increases when supplemental feeding is provided reaching about 1500- 3000 fingerlings/ha; supplemental feeds used are rice bran, chopped cassava, corn kernel and others.
With the widespread use of the high-yielding rice varieties (HYVs), several issues of concern have emerged. The maturation of the HYV rice varieties in shorter period (100 days or less) represents a significant challenge in regard to the size of fish produced in this integrated system. However, a table size of about 125-200 g is acceptable in Indonesia. In Indonesia, common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and silver barb (Barbodes gonionotus) are widely used in rice-fish farming. The choice of fish is based on the availability of seeds, as well as marketability and consumer acceptance of produced fish.