A quick stop at El Zatoun fish market (Cairo- Egypt)

With Abu Hani (Zaton fish market)

On 19 March (2017), I spent about an hour in El Zatoun market and in particular at the fish section. The market is close enough to where I live and we used to buy our family need of fish from this market. For one reason or another, I do not recall visiting this market for the past 20-30 years. A day before this last visit (18 March) and through a family chat, we remembered this and market and so I planned to visit the market probably for curiosity as well as to refresh my memory. Since I did not buy fish, I had to introduce myself to the owners of three fish displays which I stopped at. They all trusted my intention on sharing the information obtained through such quick stop on my multi-media avenues.  They answered my questions and welcomed my request to use my camera. I will post the technical component of the visit hopefully in due time. Before ending, I sincerely thank the owners/salesmen of fish displays: Mr. Gameel William, Mr. Mohamed (from Fayoum) and   Mr. Abu Hani, with whom I had the inserted picture.



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