The heavily-fished Nile perch today was regarded a sacred fish in old Egypt

Museum photo credit: Marx Perfecto C. Garcia (Philippines) –   Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)

One of the photos was taken in the National Museum (Egypt). The second photo was taken in the landing site (Aswan – Egypt)

It may of interest to know that the Nile perch which is currently considered a premium freshwater fish and contributes significantly to fish exports of several African countries was a sacred species in old Egypt. According to the National Museum labeling and “Our Egypt” portal regarding Nile perch, the species during the Graeco- Roman Period was eaten throughout Egypt except in Esna whereas the species was regarded as sacred and presumably not eaten. In fact, the Greek called the town Latopolis after the Nile perch (Lates niloticus). The species revered as it seems to be the embodiment of the goddess Neith and buried in extensive cemeteries.

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