Water path in a closed aquaculture system for Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in Egypt -A (Video)

Credit for the video: Victor Hugo (Peru)        Information source: Ismael Radwan (Egypt)         Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal

The video shows water cycle in a closed system of tilapia aquaculture. The video shows the upward pumping of the water discharged from the production tanks into an overhead reservoir which is the roof of the building in the same time. The downwards of water is done by gravity through 1/4-inch outlets which are evenly distributed over the reservoir bottom and pass the water to the biological filter which is located immediately underneath. The two bacteria groups colonizing the biological filter change the ammonia in the discharged water into nitrite which is toxic to fish while the second variety of bacteria (nitrobacter) converts the nitrite into nitrate which is not toxic to fish. Filtered water reaches the production tanks through 2-inch tubes. The deficit of system water they occurs for variety of reasons will be compensated through the pumping the underground water in quantities just enough to make-up the water deficit. Even though, this particular video shows the two pumps in operation, for most of the time, a pump will be in operation while the second is standby.

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