Tag: Golinga Dam

A typical fishing trip and catch in Golinga Dam, Ghana – Video

Source: www.fishconsult.org Credit: Ivan Venkonwine Kaleo (Ghana) Golinga Dam is the fishery resource in which fishing practice is taking place. One of the two fishermen lives in Tamele town while the other lives in Gbulahgu Village. Canoes are the common fishing boats operating in the dam; the local name of this canoe is “Narin”; “Dagbani” …

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Fishing practices in the Golinga Dam (Ghana) – Video

Credit: Ivan Venkonwine Kaleo (Ghana) This video was filmed in the Golinga Dam (Ghana). The two individuals are fishermen, one of them lives in Tamele Town while the other in Gbulahgu Village. In the video they are seen casting nets. The fishing boat (canoe) used is a 2-person boat and has a local name “Narin”; …

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Fishing practices in the Golinga Dam, Tolon, Ghana

Credit: Ivan Venkonwine Kaleo (Ghana) The water body shown in the picture is the Golinga Dam, located in the Tolon District of the Northern Region. It was a dam constructed to provide water for the rural communities surrounding it mainly for irrigation purposes. The Boat is a hand dug canoe used for artisanal fisheries by …

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