Category: Training and scholarship opportunities

Includes training and scholarship opportunities in aquaculture and fisheries related fields

Small-scale aquaculture training course – Africa (Egypt – EICA, 2016)

    The inserted photos were taken on July 31 during the first technical day of the “Small-scale aquaculture” training course. This 12-day course is organized by the Egyptian International Center for Agriculture. The course hosts 39 participants from 20 African countries. The photo shows Dr. Abdel Rahman El Gamal, Mr. Nasr Darwish (EICA),  and …

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Fish Culture Development training course – Egypt (2014)

The technical session of the 75-day “Fish Culture Development” training course started in Cairo on the 9th of October, 2014. This annually organized training course is supported by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). The participants in the 2014 course are Abu Talukder and Zahangir Alam (Bangladesh), Codyo Bertin Ahokin (Benin), Rory Felix (Bolivia), Ana Maria …

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Announcement: TWAS Fellowships for Research and Advanced Training

If you are interested, you may apply – Young scientists in developing countries are the target candidates. The duration of this fellowship ranges from 3-12 months. Much more details are included Good Luck [gview file=””]  

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Announcement: Call for Applications – Negotiation skills training Resolving land and resource use conflicts in and around Terrestrial and Marine Protected Areas in the eastern and southern African region

If you are interested, you may apply   [gview file=””]    

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Barcelona GSE – La Caixa Scholarship Program

The information related to the scholarship program for 12/2013 is found in the attachment. If you find in your self a potential candidate for this master fully funded scholarship, you are advised to contact directly the schloraship management. Good Luck [important]La Caixa Scholarship Program[/important]

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