Category: Photos

Farming of red tilapia when fed artificial feed supplemented by Azolla in Colombia (in Spanish)

Credit:Eudes Emilio Sanchez (Colombia) La foto corresponde a un estanques de produccion de tilapia roja, (Densidad de cosecha 4ind/m2, Tasa de conversiòn aprox 1,4:1, temperatura del aguau todo el año 25 – 32 ºC)  alimentada con pienso ó balanceado, pero ademas se le a permitido que el espejo de agua este cubuierto un 40% con …

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Use of wetland treated water in aquaponic system using fish culture in Jordan (in Arabic)

Credit: Abeer Albawenah – Ahmed Al Krisat (Jordan) يدمج هذا النظام الزراعة بدون تربة بمصاطب احواض الاراضي الرطبة وتربية الأسماك في البرك معاً من خلال تغذية الأسماك الموجودة في الأحواض بإستمرار مما يجعل الماء غني بالأسمدة العضوية نتيجة لفضلات الأسماك ومن ثم ضخها بنسب معينة وعلى فترات إلى المصاطب وتقوم النباتات بامتصاص ماتحتاجه من العناصر …

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Use of Constructed Wetlands in improving water quality (Jordan) – in Arabic

Credit: Abeer Alblawenah and Ahmad Al Khrisat  (Jordan)      تمثل هذه الصورة التجربة الاردنية لاختبار مدى فعالية  نظام احواض الاراضي الرطبة بتحسين نوعية المياه المستصلحة ،يعرف نظام احواض الاراضي الرطبة بانه مصطلح لتكنولوجيا نوعا ما حديثة في معالجة وتحسين نوعية المياه  وهو عبارة عن  “استخدام الأحواض الضحلة نسبيا والتي تسري فيها المياه بانسياب بسيط وتبقى هذه …

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General features of aquaculture dvelopment in Jordan

Credit: Ebraheem al Zubidue (Jordan) Water scarcity in Jordan necessitates the adoption of intensive aquaculture practices which  are carried out in cement or fiberglass tanks are used and whereas aeration using various types of aerators while liquid oxygen is used in a project.  Aquaculture production in Jordan (about 450 tons) is composed of tilapia and …

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Gravel filter in earthen fish pond (Egypt)

Mechanisms used in filtering water will depend on potential usage of water. This photo shows a type of gravel filters whereas filtered water is used in tilapia hatchery as well as for landscaping. This filter is located in 1000-m2 earthen pond. The filter is established above concrete base. The outer dimension of the filter is …

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An artisanal fishing boat in Chile

Credit: Carolina Almonacid (Chile) This photo shows a type of fishing boat in Chile. The place is called Curamín that native language means “yellow stone”. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use a picture or …

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Fish harvesting facilities in earthen ponds (harvest ditch) in Egypt

Fish harvest in earthen ponds is significantly facilitated by establishing harvest ditches. In addition to facilitating fish harvest, ditches help in drying pond bottom. Depending on pond size and the slope of pond bottom, placing harvest ditches are determined. Ditches could be peripheral especially in large ponds or central in smaller ponds. Establishing harvest ditches …

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Fish harvesting facilities in earthen ponds (catch pond) in Egypt

Fish harvesting in earthen ponds especially in large ponds is a significant task. Catch ponds are recommended to carry out efficient fish harvesting. For a 4-ha fish pond, a catch pond of the following dimensions will be sufficient; 2.5 m high, 10-m long, and 2-m wide. Catch pond should have a rocky bottom and sides. The …

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On-farm fish marketing (Paraguay) – in Spanish

Credit: David Martin Sykora (Paraguay) Esa foto es en un evento de cosecha de un productor, donde pone los peces a la oferta del publico presente. En mi país se impulsan solo dos variedades eróticas, las carpas y las tilapias.  El ministerio impulsa mas las tilapias, por su facil reproduccion, rusticidad, y pronta cosecha. Note: We decided …

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Overwintering facility for gilthead seabream and European seabass (Italy)

Gilthead seabream (Sparus auratus) and European seabass (Dicentrachus labrachus) although can relatively tolerate low temperature, but cannot survive severe cold which could be encountered in Europe during winter and hence overwintering facilities may be required. The photo shows a high curtain surrounding the earthen pond where fish are overwintered. The curtains can be managed (folded or …

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