Video credit: Sandra Sanchez (Colombia) Description: Sandra Sanchez and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel) The inserted video shows a typical model of intensive culture of red tilapia (Oreochromis spp.) in Colombia. The culture takes place in ponds with geomembrane liner. The technology applied depends on biofloc. In such intensive system, …
Tag: intensive aquaculture
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Jan 29 2021
Biological filters in intensive aquaculture
Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted pictures show substrates used in intensive aquaculture systems. As shown, the shapes of such substrates may vary although they have a main characteristic in common which is a high surface/volume ratio. Added to that, the substrates used in biological filters should enjoy strong mechanical …
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Nov 19 2011
General features of aquaculture dvelopment in Jordan
Credit: Ebraheem al Zubidue (Jordan) Water scarcity in Jordan necessitates the adoption of intensive aquaculture practices which are carried out in cement or fiberglass tanks are used and whereas aeration using various types of aerators while liquid oxygen is used in a project. Aquaculture production in Jordan (about 450 tons) is composed of tilapia and …
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