Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Bangladesh aquaculture – Fish pond management (Fish feeding)

Credit: Mohamed Mahmudun Nabi (Bangladesh) Fish feeding: The three photos show systems of fish feeding in Bangladesh aquaculture. The main types of fish feeding are represented in  home-made fish feed and commercially manufactured feed. In regard to home-made feed, feed ingredients used include rice bran, wheat bran, mustard oil cake, fish meal etc. One of the pictures shows a …

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Bangladesh aquaculture – Fish pond preparation (liming)

Credit: Mohamed Mahmudun Nabi (Bangladesh) This photo shows the liming of a fish pond in Bangladesh. After the de weeding and repairing the dikes and bottom of the pond, liming is considered the next important work for pond preparation. Farmers usually use calcium carbonate (CaCo3 as solid limestone. Before its use, limestone needs to be sink in …

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Bangladesh aquaculture – Fish pond preparation (Deweeding)

Credit: Mohamed Mahmudun Nabi (Bangladesh) This photo shows the deweeding practice in a fish pond whereas the removal of aquatic floating weeds such as water hyacinth is carried out. Pond owner himself is removing the water hyacinth manually as a part of first step of pond preparation. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not …

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Traditional fishing gears and fish collection utensils in Nepal

Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) Photo A shows a local fisherman while mending his net and fish collecting traditional utensils.  Photo B shows a fisherman while carrying his traditional fish collecting utensils which is still in use. This utensil which is mounted on fisher’s back is used to keep the captured fish. Note: We decided not …

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Culture of microalgae as required for the nursing of North scallops (Chile)

Credit: Gabriel Salvo Parra (Chile) The two photos show the culture of the principal microalgae of the species Isochrysis galbanaa (clon T-Iso) and Nannochloropsis oculata as  required for the larval culture of north scallops (Argopecten purpuratus).     Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to …

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Sea cucumber trial ponds in Vietnam

Credit: Rayner Pitt (United Kingdom) The photo (A) shows a general view,  probably Van Ninh area where the World Fish Center had a group of research ponds including those used for sea cucumber research. The photo (B) shows some of these ponds under preparation, perhaps for sea cucumber farming trials in combination with babylon snails. The …

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Containment nets for sea cucumber juveniles (sandfish – Holothuria scabra)

Credit: Rayner Pitt (United Kingdom) The three photos a, b and c show the followings: a) small white ‘hapa’ bag (0.45mm mesh) for first-nursery rearing of small juveniles directly from hatchery b) large white bag-net (1.0mm mesh) for second nursery of juveniles (after first nursery in a hapa or outdoor tank) c) pen (fenced area) …

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Conditioning settlement plates for sea cucumber

Credit: Rayner Pitt (United Kingdom) This photo shows stacks of plates being conditioned before being put into a larval rearing tank for settlement. At that time either cultured algae were added to the water in the conditioning tank, or unfiltered seawater was allowed to run through it. (This latter method may have contributed to the …

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Fish farmers’ training in Uganda

Credit: Enima Chris (Uganda) This photo shows a 2-day training program that has been tailored for a target group of fish farmers. Farmers are drawn from a number of areas. The training is conducted at the demonstration site. This training aimed to expose fish farmers to better developed fish farming grounds so that they can …

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A Demonstration fish farm in Manibe (Uganda)

Credit: Enima Chris (Uganda) This photo shows grow out fish ponds located in Manibe sub country. The farm belongs to a fish farmer (Mr. Obedmoth Alfred) of Manibe. The farm is being used as demonstration site for fish farmers. There are a total of four grow-out earthen ponds of 25×30 m2 each. Ponds are stocked …

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