Category: Aquaculture

This collection of photos includes various farmed species of fin-fish, shell fish, seaweed and others as well as the farming practices carried out in many countries in the world

Collection of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus in Ntem Minvoul Valley in Gabon (in French)

Credit: Charles Ibinga Maganga (Gabon) Clarias gariepinus, récoltés par les femmes dans la vallée du Ntem à Minvoul (ville rurale, au nord du Gabon). Ces silures (poissons-chats) sont péchés avec des pièges à poissons (panier conique fait à l’aide des roseaux pour les eaux peu profondes) lors des périodes de remontée d’eau, en début des …

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Research facilities at NaFIRRI, Kajjansi, Kampala, (Uganda)

Credit: Alain Murekambanze (Burundi) The photo shows the research ponds at the National Fischeries Resources Research Institute, NaFIRRI  at Kajjansi, Kampala,Uganda.  These ponds as well as a modern fish hatchery and a feed production unit have been constructed through the cooperation between Uganda and China. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not …

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Cage farming of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) in Rayaan Depressions, Egypt (Video)

Credit: Course participants in EICA/JICA training course (2011) Cage farming of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) has been tried recently in Rayaan Depressions in Egypt. The water salinity of the depressions is steadily increasing due to evaporation making the system suitable to marine cages. The stocked fingerlings are produced in private marine hatcheries while the …

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Marketing of dried fish in South Sudan

Credit: Juma Frezar (South Sudan) This photo has been taken in the marketing location of dried fish in Bonito City, South Sudan. Dried fish species are usually abundant and available all-year round. Because of the low consumer preference to dried fish compared to fresh fish, its market price is lower than fresh fish. By the …

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Giant Pacific Octopus Enteroctopus dofleini (feeding behavior and predation)

This photo was taken on 9 June, 2012 at: Monterey Bay Aquarium, California, USA Feeding behavior: This octopus hides in its den under rocks or in a cave. By night, an octopus leaves its den to hunt after its favorite prey such as crustaceans, small crabs, scallops, abalone, snails, clams and fish. Octopuses in general when feed …

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Cage farming of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Lake Dogodogo, Burundi

Credit: Alain Manirambona (Burundi) The first floating cage in Burundi was installed in April 2012 in the lake Dogodogo, Cibitoke province. This cage is 6×6 m, and has 4 compartments. The juveniles of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus have been stocked  in the cage. The first picture shows the cage during assembling near the beach, the next shows …

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Fish stocking of Susu Dam in Ghana

Credit: Grace Charway (Ghana) This is stocking of the Susu dam which has a surface area of 1.0 ha in the Lawra district in the Upper West Region, Ghana. The fingerlings were taken from the Billibor dam by the fishermen in the community under the supervision of officials from the Fisheries Commission. As been established, about …

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Sexing tilapia fingerlings by women in Gabon (in French)

Credit: Charles Ibinga Maganga (Gabon) Ici c’est une journée de sexage à SIAT/GABON, regarder la forme des épuisettes avec  leur  cerceau en liane; les femmes récupèrent les tilapia fingerlings (Pm≈ 40gr) dans les 30 étangs de pré-grossissements (36m²/étang); les mises en charge dans ces étangs se font à 20 alevins/m². Par jour je sexe environs 3500 …

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Reproduction of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Kenya (Egg stripping and fertilization)

Credit: Edwin Muga (Kenya) Striping eggs from a gravid female: The  stripping of the female is done under experienced hands of the hatchery  personnel at the Kibaru trout hatchery on the slopes of Mount Kenya, Kenya. Egg fertilization: The second photo shows the  mixing of the sperm from a male brooder with the previously stripped eggs. Rainbow …

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Reproduction of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) in Kenya (inspecting a broodfish)

Credit: Edwin Muga (Kenya) The Ministry of Fisheries Development’s Fisheries Secretary, Prof Charles Ngugi inspects a brooder  of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) at the Kibaru Hatchery, Kiganjo on the slopes of Kenya’s highest Mountain (Mt. Kenya) Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will …

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