Credit: Bishnu khanal (Nepal) Review: Bishnu khanal and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) Kulekhani resenvoir is one of the reservoir in the middle of Nepal in which cage farming takes place to produce table fish in rural areas. The inserted photo shows some of cage farmers while transporting …
Tag: cage farming
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Jan 10 2014
Cage farming of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus in Senegal
Credit: Lo Oumy Seck (Senegal) The photo shows a unit of cage farming in Senegal River. Cage aquaculture was first practiced at experimental level in Senegal in 1984. However, for variety of reasons, the outcomes during the early practices were not satisfactory. From the year 2000 onward, the practice witnesses some improvements as represented in …
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Dec 04 2013
Fish farmer training in SriLanka
Credit: Ananda Sugathapala (SriLanka) The photos show examples of farmer training in a given province in SriLanka. The training aims to improve the production as well as the quality of fish produced through various aquaculture systems. A large number of farmers have been trained on various fish farming technologies including cage fish farming, fish breeding, integrated …
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Dec 02 2013
Cage fish farming in Ghana
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Nov 21 2013
Cage farming of red tilapia in Peru
Credit: Carlos Calderón Deza Via: Wilder Rodriguez Arteaga (Peru) This photo shows cage farming of red tilapia in Peru during either fry nursing or fattening. During fry nursing, balanced feed of 30 and 45% protein content is offered at 10-12% of fish biomass/day. During the fattening phase, fish are stocked at densities that range …
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Jul 15 2013
Cage farming of Nile tilapia in Lake Kivu (Rwanda)
Photo credit: Stephanie Kamonro (Rwanda) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Fish production from capture fishery in Rwanda is not sufficient to meet the local demand and hence the gap between supply and demand is filled by fish imports. …
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Nov 15 2012
Cage farming of marine fish in Mauritius
Credit: Emrith Vinesh (Mauritius) La Ferme Marine de Mahebourg (FMM) is a complex of cage farming and processing fish located in the lagoon of Vieux Grand Port in Mauritius. The cages are extended on 1200 m2 in the lagoon. The tropical climate and the winds and currents of the sea are key factors in for this …
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Nov 02 2012
Cage culture of Pangasius sutcthi in Temerloh Pahang (Malaysia)
Credit: Adibi Rahiman (Malaysia) The photos show the cage culture of Pangasius sutcthi in Temerloh Phang whereas more than 856 cages owned by 175 farmers are in operation. (according to the data of 2006). The culture period ranges from 6- 8 months. In general, the operation demonstrated economic viability. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order …
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Sep 13 2012
Cage farming of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss in Mexico (in Spanish)
Credit: Juan Suarez Sanchez (Mexico) Esta foto muestra el cultivo de trucha arcoíris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) en jaulas flotantes de 300 m3 de capacidad, en la presa Apizaquito, Tlaxcala, México. Las jaulas son sembradas a razón de 16.7 organismos m3, con alevines de trucha de 5 gramos y 3 centímetros de peso y longitud promedio inicial, respectivamente. …
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Jun 30 2012
Cage farming of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) in Rayaan Depressions, Egypt (Video)
Credit: Course participants in EICA/JICA training course (2011) Cage farming of gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata) has been tried recently in Rayaan Depressions in Egypt. The water salinity of the depressions is steadily increasing due to evaporation making the system suitable to marine cages. The stocked fingerlings are produced in private marine hatcheries while the …
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