The video was taken in freshwater aquarium (Sea World), San Diego, California, USA
Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel)
Introduction and description: Silver dollar is a common name for a fish species that belongs to the Characidae family; Dollar d’argent is another common name. These fishes have metallic color with deep and compressed body. During growth, the depth of the body becomes comparatively less than its length. This growth phenomenon is called negative allometry. While the juveniles are coin-sized, adults can grow to about 20.0 cm TL. The species is almost entirely covered with minute scales. Maximum lifespan of the species may exceed 10 years. Silver dollars are popular for aquarium trade.
Habitats: The native habitats of silver dollars are tropical climates. They prefer soft and slightly acid water with a pH below 7.0 and water hardness of up to 15 dGH. The optimum temperature for the well-being of silver dollars ranges from 24 to 28 °C. They spend most of their time in the mid- to upper-level of the water.
Feeding habits: Silver dollars are herbivore feeding on plant materials while they may feed also on worms and small insects and even fish which can fit in their mouth.
Reproduction: The species prefers to spawn in soft and warm water with dim lightening. When a pair adult spawns, the female lays up to 2000 eggs. Fertilized eggs fall to the bottom of the tank whereas hatching takes place in about three days. After about a week, the free swimming fry will be capable to feed on appropriate food including –in case of aquariums- commercially prepared food, finely crushed spirulina, or freshly hatched brine shrimp. There is no known parental care for this species.
Aggressiveness: The silver dollar is a peaceful schooling fish that swims in schools of 5-7 individuals. They could be classified as semi-aggressive. The aggressiveness could be only noticed when the fish are kept with smaller fish that they can fit in their mouth.
References: Wikipedia, Aquarium poster, Nature Pet Centers