Fish trapping in the Northen lakes in Egypt

The two photos show tapping of fish using wire traps. Fish trapping is used in any of the four northen lakes in Egypt which are namely: Manzala, Burullus, Edku and Maryut. Water shallowness, and the spread of aquatic weeds favor the use of fish traps especially the cost of these traps is very low. Most of fishermen can construct these traps themselves. Based on fishery statistics, tilapias are the major species caught in these traps. Usually, fishermen place these traps in locations expected to have rich fishery stocks.

The mesh size of traps determines the size of fish trapped. Therefore, fishery regulations usually determine the permissible mesh size of these traps. The same is true in regard the locations of these traps. It may be of interest to know that fishery regulations in Egypt limited the length of the fishing boats to be longer than 6 meters which cannot reach shallow and vegetative areas which serve as nurseries for  small fish.

Fish trapping in northen lakes (01) Fish trapping in northen lakes (02)


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