Artisanal fishing boats operating in Bolivia (casco – peque peque)

Source: Credit: Leon Felipe Alviz (Bolivia)

The two photos show two common fishing boats operating in Bolivia. The first is non-motorized boats (rawboats) which is called “casco” that means helmet. The boat is made of sandbox evergreen tree “Hura crepitans”, and/or Mara “Swietenia macrophylla” which is known as big-leaf mahogany.  

This boat operates only in rivers for not more than 15 km. Because it is not motorized boat, it will difficult to move against water current.

The second boat “peque peque” is powered by a 5 hp. This boat can navigate upstream at low speed and can operate for several hours. Its modified engine with a blade is made ​​especially for fishing activity.

Bolivian fishing boat 01 Bolivian fishing boat 02

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