Judging the muscle colors of salmon and use of salmon fan

Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal

Consumers of salmon appreciate the wild color of salmon muscles (orange-red) ahead of other quality parameters. In order to produce farmed salmon with the favorable color of wild salmon, xanthophylls which are carotenoid pigments, are used as a food additive in salmonids feed. This additive has been approved by food safety agencies (e.g. FDA in USA).

In order to standardize color intensities of salmon muscles which are likely favored more by consumers, the industry developed color references –in numbers- which received international recognition. The salmon fan shown in the photos is an example of color-coded tools which is widely used. The color codes in this fan goes from the pale color (no: 20) to the darkest color (no: 34). It may worth mentioning that some consumer societies may prefer light colored salmon while others prefer the darker colors.

Salmon fan (full) Salmon fan 02 Salmon fan 01




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