Photo credit: MK19 – Fisheries and Aquaculture Production in Reservoirs in Lao PDR
Review: MK19 – Fisheries and Aquaculture Production in Reservoirs in Lao PDR and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)
Integrated aquaculture-livestock farming is expanding downstream of Nam Souang near the main irrigation canals from the reservoir. Canals provide water supply to ponds, which are fertilized by the wastes from chickens or pigs, improving efficiency of nutrient conversion. Ponds are stocked mainly with exotic fast-growing and hardy species such as Nile tilapia and carps.
It may worth mentioning that the dissemination of suitable aquaculture technologies has been supported by several projects including those between the government of Lao PDR and UNDP/FAO. The project adapted systems of aquaculture that suit local socio-economic, cultural and environmental conditions including pond fish culture, integrated farming with livestock, rice-cum-fish culture and fish seed production.