Desert recirculating farming system of Nile tilapia in integration with agriculture in Egypt – Video

Video credit: Ismael Radwan (Egypt)

Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel)

Desert recirculating tilapia farming in Egypt


This one-greenhouse farm is located in Nubaria (Egypt).  The size of the greenhouse tank is 8×30 meters with a depth of 60 cm making a volume of about 200 m3 of water.  The tank is furnished with a harvest ditch (canal) with a 2-m width and 70-cm depth. The farm receiver its water from a well of about 20-m depth with a temperature that ranges around 22 C enabling the all-year round grow-out of tilapia. As shown in the video, the venturi aeration system is in place.

The all-male fingerlings of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) with 3-5 g average size are stocked at a rate of 400-500 fish/m3 depending on the target harvest size which ranges from 250-500 g/piece.  Commercially manufactured floating pellets of 32% protein are used through-out the year.

The partial harvest for the target size is performed using the proper net and done in the harvest canal after lowering the water as shown in the video. In order to keep the tank productivity all-year round, tilapia fingerlings with the same number of harvested fish are stocked and so on.

The annexed biological filter (made of plastic tubing) when supplemented with adequate water renewal has been found sufficient for maintain the water quality at the proper levels.  Water renewal is mainly done to allow water for agricultural crops which are primarily wheat, peanut, and green beans.

In regard to the production parameters in this 200-m3 system, about 8 tons of market size fish have been produced/year with a feed conversion ratio of 1.3 : 1.



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