Adding Azolla to tilapia feed in aquaponics in Egypt

Azolla in tilapia feed in aquaponics in Egypt (01) Azolla in tilapia feed in aquaponics in Egypt (2)




The easiness of Azolla cultivation as well as its richness in key nutrients such as proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals has encouraged the utilization of Azolla in the feed of livestock and poultry. Moreover, Azolla has also been suggested as food stuff for human consumption.

In regard to aquaculture, and looking at the nutritive value of Azolla as well as its limitation especially its lack of some essential macro- and micronutrients, it would be probably useful to utilize Azolla as a supplement to fish feed as shown in the inserted photos which were taken during the assessment of possible added-value of Azolla in a large-scale aquaponics project in Egypt whereas Azolla grown on the site are harvested and the green plant is mixed and coating the dry commercially-manufactured pellets before providing it to tilapia in grow-out tanks.



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