Tag: aquaponics

Aquaponics in Togo

Photo credit: Sabi Asma (Togo) Description: Sabi Asma and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted pictures show one of the aquaponics projects in Togo. This one is a private farm located in Plateau Region, prefectures of Kpele, and locality of Bodze. This particular farm was established in 2012. The fish component …

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Aquaponics in Ukraine

Photo credit: Tamara Dombrovska (Ukraine) Description: Tamara Dombrovska and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted picture shows a part of an aquaponics in Ukraine. The project is located at Vasylkiv city (30 km from Kiev). The aquaculture recirculating system hosts tilapia and African catfish; both species have been imported from the …

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Aquaponics in Namibia

Photos credit: Kaulo Salushando (Namibia) – Review: Kaulo Salushando and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted pictures were taken in aquaponics project in Namibia. The project is located in Groot Aub, Khomas Region, Namibia. This project is suited inside a greenhouse. As shown inside the greenhouse, the fish pond is located …

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Use of red wiggler worms in aquaponics in Egypt (Video)

Red wiggler worms (Eisenia fetida) are known by its vermicomposting efficiency for organic wastes. Through such action, the red wiggler has been recommended for aquaponics not only because of its vermicomposting efficiency but also because of its low cost as well as its growing easiness whether on the aquaponics project itself or acquired from specialized farms. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=14834

Intensive culture of tilapia in aquaponic in Egypt – Video

The video was filmed in December 2014 in an aquaponics project located along Cairo-Alexandria Desert road in Egypt. These grow-out tanks are the component of a larger integrated and aquaponics project. Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus is the species cultured in this project. The aquaculture component consists of nursery and grow-out concrete tanks. The nursery tanks are …

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A small-to-medium aquaponic project in California (USA) – Video

I filmed this video during my visit to this facility that took place on the 6th of January, 2015. Description: Paul Trudeau (owner of the this project) and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel)     The operation is established in a greenhouse with the dimensions of 3.7m x 3m x 2.4m. …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=13850

Adding Azolla to tilapia feed in aquaponics in Egypt

      The easiness of Azolla cultivation as well as its richness in key nutrients such as proteins, essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals has encouraged the utilization of Azolla in the feed of livestock and poultry. Moreover, Azolla has also been suggested as food stuff for human consumption. In regard to aquaculture, and …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=13823

Adding iron to aquaponics

Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)     Iron deficiency is common in aquaponic system and may lead to several adverse effects on the plants which turn pale and yellow as the iron deficiency compromises the plants ability to make chlorophyll. Iron deficiency could be detected through visual inspection. In new plant …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=13809

Family aquaponics from porch to kitchen (Video)

This video was filmed on January, 6, 2015 during to my visit to Sacramento (the capital of California), USA. As shown in the video, this mini aquaponic has been established in the front porch of Mr. Paul Trudeau, house, my host who toured me two more aquaponic projects.     The one shown in this …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=13209

A model of vertical aquaponics in Colombia

Credit for photos: Edwin Gomez (Colombia) Review: Edwin Gomez and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)   It has been claimed that by growing vertically (shown in the photos), one can produce about twice the amount of plants compared to a hydroponic system of the same area. As in typical aquaponic projects, the …

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