Video credit: Charles B. Makuya (Malawi) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel)

This video was filmed in a marine fish farm located along Damietta-Port Said road whereas marine fish are farmed. Two species are shown in this video; meagre (Argyrosomus regius) and grey mullet (Mugil cepahalus). Usually, the market size of meagre is about 1.25 kg and above, and around 500-600 g/for mullet.
The cottage shown in the video belongs to the fish farm and is used for the direct sale of fish harvested from the fish ponds located few meters away.
Consumers usually trust the quality of fish directly bought from the farm. Also, this type of fish sale is advantageous for the farm, especially when located along a road like this one. Through batch harvest, the farm can market a great portion of its harvest. In the case of surplus fish, the fish market is always available. As shown in the video, the farm secures enough crushed ice to be available for fish buyers who bring their iceboxes or similar containers as required.