Tag: consumption habits

Trade and consumption of dried/salted fish in Peru – In Spanish

Credit:Juan Martin Canturin Garcia (Peru)       La foto insertada muestra seca / anchoa salada que se ha mostrado en el mercado de destino a los consumidores de bajos ingresos. El pescado seco y salado se considera una fuente de proteína alternativa para las personas en las zonas de tierras altas. El consumo de …

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Display and consumption of dried/salted fish in Peru

Credit:Juan Martin Canturin Garcia (Peru)     The inset photo dried / salted anchovy shown in the target market to low-income consumers. Dry and salted fish is considered an alternative source of protein for people in highland areas. Dried fish consumption is not as high because the Andean people are not accustomed to eat the …

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Permanent link to this article: https://fishconsult.org/?p=12609