Credit: Leon Felipe Alviz (Bolivia) The photos show the night gill netting in Bolivia. According to fishery regulation, the type of nets as well as its mesh size is determined. Of course this will be related to the target species. Generally, predatory species of greatest commercial value are targeted in night fishing whereas fishing boats …
Tag: gillnets
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Mar 01 2012
An artisanal fisherman with his catch at Matoso beach in Migori District, Kenya
Credit: Edwin Muga (Kenya) This photo shows an artisanal fisherman on his sesse canoe with his catch of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus. The water body shown in the photo is Lake Victoria, the source of the White Nile. In addition to Nile tilapia which is the dominant Tilapine species landed from this water body, there …
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Feb 05 2012
Artisanal fishery in the Nile (Uganda)
Credit:Enima Chris (Uganda) The overview of the Nile shows the heavy coverage of the river with aquatic plants such as water hyacinth and papyrus which tend to block fishing activities by the fishermen. However, fishermen cut through the plants and set their nets. The common gears and methods used include, gillnets, beach seine, tycooning, spears, …
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