The inserted pictures belong to Omani abalone, Haliotis mariae. In the absence of external signs of sexual dimorphism for the shell structure, the sexing of abalone cannot be done based on the external differentiation and is only determined through the visual inspection of gonads which could be seen if the foot and mantle are forced …
Tag: Haliotis mariae
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Mar 06 2014
Abalone crawling – Video
Source: The specimen shown in this video is Omani abalone, Haliotis mariae. In nature and in situations of abundant algae supply, the adult abalone tends to stay in their location, waiting for their food to of the algae to be drifted to them by water currents. However, if food turns scarce, abalone crawls over …
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Feb 23 2014
Sexing and reproductive habits of abalone with a special emphasis on Omani abalone
Abalones are dioecious (separate male and female sex) as abalones develop their eggs and sperm in gonads located under the soft skin visible between the foot and the shell. There is no sexual dimorphism of the shell structure and so the sexing of abalone cannot be done based on the external differentiation and is only …
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