Tag: kigembe

Kigembe tilapia hatchery and nursing facilities (Rwanda)

Credit: Emmanuel Hahirwabasenga and Rwigiriza Augustin Kanimba (Rwanda) The two photos show Kigembe tilapia hatchery along with tilapia nursery ponds. The facility is situated in the southern province about 25km from the second largest capital city called Huye. The facility which is owned by the Government is responsible for the multiplication of fingerlings. Note: We …

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Feeding tilapia fingerlings in Kigembe research station (Video)

Credit of the video: Emmanuel Hahirwabasenga and Rwigiriza Augustin Kanimba (Rwanda) – Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal This video shows the feeding of tilapia fingerlings in earthen ponds at the research facility of Kigembe, Rwanda. As shown in the video, the feed looks like a ration-type feed and is spread in a feeding ring which …

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