Photo credit: Vaghih El Bechiry (Mauritania) Description: Vaghih El Bechiry and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted picture shows a group of fishermen while fishing in Gorgol River “Gorgol Noir” which is an open fishery resource and hence there is no fishing license is required. In order to achieve enough sustainability …
Tag: Mauritania
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Jun 03 2020
Fish production and consumption in Mauritania
Photo credit: Vaghih El Bechiry (Mauritania) Description: Vqghih El Bechiry and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The fish display shown in the picture exists in the central market located in Mokama city, South of Mauritania. The fish displayed in the market are caught from Foum Laklet Lake about 80 km from Mokama. …
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