Photo credit: Vaghih El Bechiry (Mauritania) Description: Vqghih El Bechiry and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The fish display shown in the picture exists in the central market located in Mokama city, South of Mauritania. The fish displayed in the market are caught from Foum Laklet Lake about 80 km from Mokama. …
Tag: fish production
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Jan 13 2018
Rice-fish culture in Songea (Tanzania)
Credit: Jamila Ibrahim and Lucka Paschal (Tanzania) The inserted picture is for an integrated agriculture-aquaculture system carried out in Songea, Ruvuma, Tanzania. The acreage of the rice field is about one hectar while the harvest amounts about four tons of rice and 100 kg of tilapia which is commonly used in such integrated system. …
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Apr 23 2017
Pacu and rice rotary farming in Argentine – Video
Video credit: Herman Hennig (Argentina) Review: Herman Hennig and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) This video was filmed in a farm located in La Leonesa, Chaco, in the north of Argentina. The farm provides an example of rotary farming between rice and fish whereas Pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) is the fish species …
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Oct 30 2014
Development and outlook of Egyptian aquaculture (Production – trade – consumption – institutional framework)
This lecture has been delivered during October, 2014 as the preliminary lecture in the Fish Culture Development training course. This course is annually organized by the “Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture – EICA”. The purpose of delivering this lecture is to share the Egyptian experience in aquaculture especially in the light of the remarkable development of …
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Sep 24 2014
A 1000-ton seabass off-shore cage farm in Turkey
Credit: Huseyn Ek (Akuakare, Turkey) The cage shown in the photo is a unit of a cage farm suited in Black Sea (Turkey). The water depth at this location is about 50 meters. The cage diameter is 30 meters with a volume of approximately 10,000 m3. Fish biomass of each cage is about 110-130 tons. The …
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May 07 2014
Development and outlook of Egyptian aquaculture (April 2014 version)
This lecture was delivered in the Fish Culture Development training course which started on April 2014. This course is organized by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture “EICA” and supported by Japan International Cooperation Agency “JICA”. The course hosts 16 African trainees from 11 African countries. This lecture introduces the fishery sector in Egypt with …
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Oct 10 2013
Development and outlook of Egyptian aquaculture – updated 2013 version
This review addresses the following issues: Contribution of aquaculture to total fishery over an extended period of time Mode of aquaculture development in Egypt starting by historic information Aquaculture development and natural resources (land and water) Aquaculture practices in relation to the limitation of natural resources (intensification, integration, rotation) Production basket focusing on tilapia Aquaculture …
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Oct 02 2012
Overview of fishery sector in Myanmar
Credit: Myo Naing Oo (Myanmar) Fishery sector fishery is the most important sector after the agriculture sector. The fishery sector maintains a high per capita consumption of about 43 kg/year according to the statistics of year 2008-2009. The main fishery resource in Myanmar include: Freshwater through: Fish culture Leasable resource Open fisheries Marine fishery through: In-shore fisheries …
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Mar 01 2012
Trout production unit in Hidalgo, Mexico (in Spanish)
Credit: Jorge Valdiviezo (Mexico) Unidad de Producción localizada a 2,547 msnm, con 11 años de operación en la que cultiva de Trucha a nivel Intensivo en estanques de concreto los cuales en conjunto forman una superficie de producción de 295.8 m2, produciendo en promedio 7 toneladas al año. Note: We decided not to watermark the …
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