Tag: Myanmar

Trade and consumption of dried fish in Myanmar

Photos’ credit: Yin Win Myat (Myanmar) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website)         The inserted photos were taken in a dried fish market in Yangon, Myanmar. Preserved fish including dried fish in Myanmar plays an important role in the local diet. Even people whose cultural tendency is towards vegetarianism, …

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Road-side fish markets in Yangon, Myanmar

Source of the photo and text: Aquaculture Asia, Volume XII No.3, July-September 2007 The photo shows a road-side fish market in Yangon, Myanmar. In such type of fish markets, carps and tilapia are commonly sold. The photo did not show many other fish sale including dried fish which is locally named (nga chaut). It may …

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Farm-made fish feed in a fish farm in Myanmar

Credit of photos and source of information: Aquaculture Asia As the case in aquaculture in many countries worldwide, farm-made feed was the sole source of feed especially where commercial feed does not exist or the level of aquaculture development is too small to justify the establishment of commercial fish feed. Up to 1990, cultured fish …

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Heritage fishing:One-leg fishing in Lake Inle (Myanmar)

Credit for the photo: Mission report on inland aquaculture and fisheries, Rap publication 2003/18 Technical review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The fishermen on Inle Lake have a unique rowing style. They have mastered the art of standing on one leg on the extreme of the boat and wrapping their other leg around …

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Lake Inle fishery and the livelihood of lake communities (Myanmar)

Credit of the photo & part of the information: Mission report on inland aquaculture and fisheries, Rap publication 2003/18 Technical review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The photo shows a fisherman while transporting small fishing traps to be set across Lake Inle. This freshwater lake is the second largest lake in Myanmar …

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Development of freshwater aquaculture in Myanmar

Credit: Zaw Zaw Htwe (Myanmar) Myanmar’s fish culture has started in 1953 with imported Tilapia mossambica. By 1988, there were only 2550 hectares of fish ponds in the whole country. As fish was realized to be the stable diet for the people and one of the potential industry in the national economy of Myanmar, the State Peace …

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Myanmar marine fisheries

Credit: Zaw Zaw Htwe (Myanmar) Myanmar has coastal line of 2823 km and Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) has 486,000 sq km. The continental shelves cover almost 228000 sq miles with abundant resources. Marine fisheries are distinguished into two types. These are Inshore and Offshore fisheries. Inshore fisheries  – Shore line to 5 nautical miles in northern …

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Myanmar inland fisheries

Credit: Zaw Zaw Htwe (Myanmar) Myanmar has four mainly revering system Ayeyarwaddy longest and its tributary Chintwin, Sittaung and Thanlwin river. Inland fisheries are practiced on and along these rivers, in open water and floodplains. The total areas of the inland water bodies are estimated about 8.1 million hectors. Inland fisheries is classified with three position …

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Myanmar fishery overview

Credit: Zaw Zaw Htwe (Myanmar) Fisheries sector plays a very important role in National Economy and also in the diet of the people. Myanmar people prefer to eat fish especially fresh water rather than marine or brackish water fishes. Marine fishes usually come from capture fishery through fishing vessels and various fisheries products implementations are exported. …

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Overview of fishery sector in Myanmar

Credit: Myo Naing Oo (Myanmar) Fishery sector fishery is the most important sector after the agriculture sector. The fishery sector maintains a high per capita consumption of about 43 kg/year according to the statistics of year 2008-2009. The main fishery resource in Myanmar include: Freshwater through: Fish culture Leasable resource Open fisheries Marine fishery through: In-shore fisheries  …

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