Photo and caption credit: KIVA Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The photo caption shows the buying process of smoked fish in Selenge which is a specialty of this province. It may be of interest to add that the per capita consumption which is 0.5 kg/year which is the third lowest level …
Tag: fish consumption
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Oct 20 2016
Conserving of rice field fishery helps Cambodia’s poor (Video)
Ownership of the video: USAID, WorldFish Center and more agencies In rural Cambodia, where millions depend on fish for food and income, fish populations in natural wetlands are under threat from illegal fishing, habitat destruction and harmful pesticides used for agriculture. To rebuild and protect these fish populations the Rice Field Fisheries Enhancement project is …
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Feb 04 2016
Fish trade and consumption in Bolivia
Photo credit: Andres Loayza Apaza (Bolivia) Review: Andres Loayza Apaza and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted picture shows fish display in a fish market in Bolivia. The fish species shown is ”pacu” which is a popular fish for Bolivian consumers. This market is located in the town of Santa Cruz, …
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Mar 19 2015
Fish consumption and marketing in Azerbaijan
Photo credit: Luis Landesman (USA) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted photos were taken during April 2013 in a typical market in Azerbaijan. Even though our focus remains on fish, it is obvious that there are no specific markets for fish or fish products …
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Jan 27 2015
Role of “Tharu” women (Nepal) in fish catch
Credit: Bishnu khanal (Nepal) The inserted photo shows some of the women of “Tharu” community during their fishing from natural water body. Traditionally, most women are involved in such activity during the rainy season. They usually use mosquito nets which they make. Most of fish caught fish is for local consumption for households …
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Aug 30 2011
Egyptian Aquaculture – from regional and global perspectives
This presentation starts with an overview on world fish production as sorted into fishery resources, species and continents. Egyptian aquaculture is the focus of the presentation including production and development trends and requirements. Fish consumption and trade have been addressed. The relationship Egyptian fishery with regional and global fish production has been highlighted. Egyptian aquaculture …
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