Tag: women in fishery

Trapping African catfish in a rural area in Gabon

Charles Ibinga Maganga (Gabon)   This picture shows the harvest of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus by women in the Team Valley Minvoul (rural town in northern Gabon). These catfish are caught with fish traps (conical basket made with reeds for shallow water) during periods of upwelling in the early rainy season.

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Role of “Tharu” women (Nepal) in fish catch

Credit: Bishnu khanal (Nepal)     The inserted photo shows some of the women of “Tharu” community during their fishing from natural water body. Traditionally, most women are involved in such activity during the rainy season. They usually use mosquito nets which they make. Most of fish caught fish is for local consumption for households …

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Sun-drying of fish in Togo

Credit: Pham Beigue Alfa (Togo) The two photos show a model of sun-drying of salted fish in Togo. This practice includes the main fish species which are Guinean tilapia (Tilapia guineensis), Oréochromis sp., Brycinus sp., and Hémichromis sp. The drying as shown takes place on the ground and would require 2-3 weeks which could reach …

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