Photo credit: Ariel Montiel Benitez (Paraguay) Review: Ariel Montiel Benitez and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) Pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) is an important fish species with high commercial value in Paraguay. The availability of its fingerlings in a sufficient number would be essential towards the expansion of pacu aquaculture in Paraguay. The inserted picture …
Tag: pacu
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May 20 2020
Artificial reproduction of Pacu in Paraguay
Photo credit: Ariel Montiel Benitez (Paraguay) Review: Ariel Montiel Benitez and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) Pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) is an important fish species with high commercial value in Paraguay. The availability of sufficient number of the species fingerlings would be essential towards the expansion of pacu aquaculture in Paraguay. The artificial reproduction …
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Apr 23 2017
Pacu and rice rotary farming in Argentine – Video
Video credit: Herman Hennig (Argentina) Review: Herman Hennig and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) This video was filmed in a farm located in La Leonesa, Chaco, in the north of Argentina. The farm provides an example of rotary farming between rice and fish whereas Pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus) is the fish species …
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Feb 04 2016
Fish trade and consumption in Bolivia
Photo credit: Andres Loayza Apaza (Bolivia) Review: Andres Loayza Apaza and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted picture shows fish display in a fish market in Bolivia. The fish species shown is ”pacu” which is a popular fish for Bolivian consumers. This market is located in the town of Santa Cruz, …
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May 01 2014
Hatchery facility for the migratory fish species (Itutinga, MG, Brazil)
Credit: Ever Edrey Hernandez (Colombia) The hatchery facilities shown in the photos are located in the Fish Culture Station Hydroelectric Itutinga, Itutinga, MG, Brazil. The spawning activities of the hatchery focus on migratory species including curimba, curimatâ, (Prochilodus lineatus), Pacu (Piaractus mesopotamicus), piracanjuba (Brycon orbignyanus), dourado (Salminus brasiliensis), and pirapitinga (Brycon nattereri). The reproduced species …
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May 01 2014
Cage farming of several fish species in Fumas Reservoir, Brazil
Credit: Ever Edrey Hernandez (Colombia) The photos on cage farming are taken in Fumas reservoir, Boa Esperança, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The altitude of this site is 775 meters whereas the temperature ranges between 18°C and 26°C. The cages shown in the photos are rectangular with a volume of 18 m3 each. Cultured fish species include …
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Feb 25 2014
Handling and preparation of Pacu (Colossoma macropomun) in Bolivia
Credit: Leon Felipe Alviz (Bolivia) In this fishery community, women and children receive the fish catch from fishermen who belong to the community for preparation. In this particular photo, children of different ages are handling several specimens of Pacu, Colossoma macropomun. In such remote areas whereas the city electricity is lacking fish are usually consumed …
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Dec 04 2013
Stocking of Pacu fingerlings in an earthen pond (Paraguay)
Credit: David Sykora (Paraguay) The photo shows the stocking of “Pacu” juveniles in an earthen pond during the training of students in agricultural school (Paraguay) La foto muestra la media de los menores “Pacu” en un estanque de tierra durante la formación de los estudiantes en la escuela agrícola (Paraguay)
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