Photo credit: Rory Felix Mamani (Bolivia) Review: Rory and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted photo shows indigenous people from the Weenhayek population during the fishing of “sabalo” in Pilcomayo River using “cabbage nets”. In Bolivia, Sábalo is the common name of an Amazonian fish that enjoys …
Tag: sábalo
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Feb 02 2015
Catch of “Sabalo” in Pilemayo River (Bolivia)
Photo credit: Rory Felix Mamani (Bolivia) Review: Rory Felix Mamani and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted picture shows the fishing of “sábalo” which takes place in “Pilemayo River” near the indigenous community “Weenhayek”. The Pilcomayo River is considered an important fish source for artisanal fisheries in Bolivia. …
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Nov 01 2014
Supporting small-scale fish farming in Narino, Colombia
Credit: Andres Delgado (Colombia) The photo shows the delivery of tilapia fingerlings as a part of a support program for small fish holders in Narino Department, Colombia. The project is funded by the Municipal Government, Ricaurte Government. In this small-scale system which is carried out in earthen ponds, fish feeds primarily on azolla while banana, …
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