Tag: stocking

Live Fish Handling: During: stocking– sampling– harvesting- grading- marking- anesthesia- hatchery operations & transportation

This lecture was delivered during November, 2014 in Fish Culture Development training course. This course is annually organized by the “Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture – EICA”.  This lecture focuses on handling issues during main practices of aquaculture whether in hatcheries or farms. The handling stress is highlighted as well as means to alleviate the …

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Culture of Indian white shrimp in Egypt – Stocking in grow-out ponds (3 out of 6)- in Arabic

Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal   توضح الصورتان تخزين يوافع الجمبرى بمتوسط وزن حوالى الجرام والتى سبق تحضينها فى أحواض التربية التى سبق تجهيزها وخاصة التخلص من الأسماك غير المرغوبة وكذلك الكابوريا. من الأهمية بمكان وضع تجهيزات سلك على نظامى الرى والصرف تلافيا …

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Culture of Indian white shrimp in Egypt – Stocking in grow-out ponds (3 out of 6)

Credit for the photos and information providing: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO)- Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The two photos address the stocking of nursed juveniles of about 1-g and plus of average size into an earthen pond which was prepared and cleared of unwanted fish and crabs. Grow-out ponds are well screened …

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Stocking of Pacu fingerlings in an earthen pond (Paraguay)

Credit: David Sykora (Paraguay) The photo shows the stocking of “Pacu” juveniles in an earthen pond during the training of students in agricultural school (Paraguay) La foto muestra la media de los menores “Pacu” en un estanque de tierra durante la formación de los estudiantes en la escuela agrícola (Paraguay)  

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Sankana fish hatchery, Ghana

Credit: Grace Charway (Ghana) The Sankana Dam which has a surface area of 30.0 ha was constructed in the 1970s as part of the irrigation project in the Nadowli District of the Upper West region. By government policy 3-5 % of every irrigable land must be reserved for fish farming in Ghana. This was why the …

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Enhancement of natural fishery stocks in Cambodia

Credit: Nyro Tum (Cambodia) The photo shows the communities members during the release of fish fingerlings into a targeted water body as a part of improvement the nature fishery stocks. Note: We decided not to watermark the photos in order not to upset its clarity. However, we trust you will notify us if you wish to use …

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