Tag: fencing

Fencing earthen fish ponds against the invasion of flying and crawling predators in Colombia

Credit: Eudes Emilio Sanchez (Colombia) In this picture we see the use a network similar to those used for breeding hens and chickens, is a network of one-inch mesh which surrounds the pond, this prevents the ingress of flying and crawling predators such as birds, flying mammals (bats), marine mammals (otters) and other land animals like …

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Sankana fish hatchery, Ghana

Credit: Grace Charway (Ghana) The Sankana Dam which has a surface area of 30.0 ha was constructed in the 1970s as part of the irrigation project in the Nadowli District of the Upper West region. By government policy 3-5 % of every irrigable land must be reserved for fish farming in Ghana. This was why the …

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