Tag: Pangasius sutchi

Cage culture of freshwater catfish, (Pangasius Sutchi) in Pahang River (Malaysia)

Credit: Vui Kien Liew (Malaysia) The freshwater catfish, (Pangasius Sutchi) which is locally known in Malaysia as “Patin” is among the popular freshwater fish in Malaysia. The species is also among the main species reared in cages along Pahang River. The photos show a cage farm for the Pangasius Sutchi. Typically a cage farm consists …

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Development of freshwater aquaculture in Myanmar

Credit: Zaw Zaw Htwe (Myanmar) Myanmar’s fish culture has started in 1953 with imported Tilapia mossambica. By 1988, there were only 2550 hectares of fish ponds in the whole country. As fish was realized to be the stable diet for the people and one of the potential industry in the national economy of Myanmar, the State Peace …

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