Tag: market size

Cage culture of freshwater catfish, (Pangasius Sutchi) in Pahang River (Malaysia)

Credit: Vui Kien Liew (Malaysia) The freshwater catfish, (Pangasius Sutchi) which is locally known in Malaysia as “Patin” is among the popular freshwater fish in Malaysia. The species is also among the main species reared in cages along Pahang River. The photos show a cage farm for the Pangasius Sutchi. Typically a cage farm consists …

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Cage culture of meagre in Spain – Video

Video credit: Ahmed Shaheen (Egypt) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website and video channel) The farming of meagre, Argyrosomus regius in Spain started in 2004 peaking in 2010 whereas its production amounted 3250 tons before declining in 2011 and further declining in 2012 whereas the meagre production amounted 1640 tons. Although meagre …

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Cage culture of silver carp in River Nile in Egypt – Video

Source: www.fishconsult.org Video credit: Fadhili Ruzika (Tanzania) Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the site and video channel) This video was taken during May, 2014 in Damietta region (Egypt) The culture of silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix in cages in River Nile, Egypt is a 3-year old practice. Tilapia used to be the principal species …

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Intensive monoculture of paddlefish, Polyodon spathula (A video)

Credit: Steve Mims (USA)                      Ownership and source: Kentucky State University (USA) Intensive monoculture is the least sustainable production method available for paddlefish production because this method is highly dependent on the use of pelleted feed, mechanical aeration and chemicals.  However, the largest segment of United States aquaculture is the production of channel catfish (212,000 metric …

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Tilapia aquaculture in Gaza (Palestine)

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) One of the photos shows the harvest of red tilapia after about 6 months of growth. Harvested tilapia has an average weight of about 350 g. Red tilapia is very popular in Gaza and enjoy a premium price of about 4-5 US$/kg. The second photo shows Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus when marketed …

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Tilapia aquaculture in Gaza (Palestine) – In Arabic

Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) تشير الصورة الأولى لعملية صيد لأسماك البلطى الأحمر بعد فترة من التربية تقدر بحوالى 6 شهور والتى بعدها يصل متوسط الوزن إلى حوالى 350 جرام للسمكة    الواحدة. وهذا النوع من الأسماك مرغوب كثيرا في غزة ويصل متوسط السعر لحوالي 4 – 5 دولار أمريكى للكيلوجرام. تشير الصورة الثانية إلى البلطى النيلى …

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Harvesting and sorting of whiteleg shrimp, Liptopenaeus vannamei (Thailand)

Credit: Wanna Thawinwan (Thailand) The growing season lasts 80-90 days whereas shrimp is expected to reach the market size (80-100 pieces/kg). A recent market survey reveals that the market price of average shrimp is about 4 USD/kg. (price in August 2012). The two photos show the hand-sorting of harvested shrimp as well as a batch …

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