Cage culture of freshwater catfish, (Pangasius Sutchi) in Pahang River (Malaysia)

Credit: Vui Kien Liew (Malaysia)

The freshwater catfish, (Pangasius Sutchi) which is locally known in Malaysia as “Patin” is among the popular freshwater fish in Malaysia. The species is also among the main species reared in cages along Pahang River.

The photos show a cage farm for the Pangasius Sutchi. Typically a cage farm consists of 8-12 cages. The cage dimension is 3×4 meters by 1.5 meter depth.

The grow-out lasts about 7 months during which fry grows from a 4-inch size to the harvest size that ranges from about 800 g – 1 kg with an average weight of about 900 g and cage productivity of around 600 kg/cage which are sold in local market. Caged fish are fed on pelleted feed.

Cage culture of freshwater catfish in Malaysia (01) Cage culture of freshwater catfish in Malaysia (02)



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