Photo credit: Madalitso Magombo (Malawi) Description: Madalitso Magombo and Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) The inserted picture shows an integrated farm of fish and vegetables as well as bananas (horticulture) that does exist in Zomba, Malawi and run by one of the fish farmers in the area. The integrated aquaculture-agriculture (IAA) technology …
Tag: integrated aquaculture agriculture
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Nov 07 2015
Integrated aquaculture and mango seedlings in Uganda
Photo credit: Oberu Charles (Uganda) Description: Oberu Charles and Abdel Rahman El Gamal – Founder of the website) The photo was taken in Wakiso District (Uganda). The fish pond shown the photo is a typical pond where Nile tilapia and African catfish are the major farmed species. The mango seedlings in this …
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Jan 18 2014
Establishment of Sharhabeel Ben Hasna Tilapia Training Farm in Jordan
This project proposal has been developed by a group of two who participated in the Fish Culture Development training course in 2013. The project document was developed under the supervision of Dr. Abdel Rahman El Gamal. The main focus of this project proposal is to develop a tilapia training center at Dier Alla, Jordan. The …
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Nov 18 2012
Integrated aquaculture – agriculture project in Gaza (Palestine)
Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) The integration concept has been found optimum for aquaculture project in Gaza especially when water scarcity is considered. Field experience showed that the agriculture component in this integrated system includes vegetables (e.g. tomato, eggplant, and sweet potatoes), horticulture such as date palm, guava or olive trees. Fish productivity in the aquaculture …
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Nov 08 2012
Establishment of metal pools for crop watering and fish culture in Gaza (Palestine)
Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) One of the photos show to the crew who are preparing the base site required for the establishment of the circular metal pools used for watering plan crops and for fish culture. The 100-m3 –pool is lined by durable liners which can last for about 5 years. The photos 3 and 4 …
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Nov 08 2012
Establishment of metal pools for crop watering and fish culture in Gaza (Palestine) – in Arabic
Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) تشير أحدى الصور إلى مجموعة من العمال القائمين بحفر القاعدة لإنشاء برك معدنية دائرية الشكل وبأحجام حوالى 100 متر مكعب والمصنعة من ألواح من الحديد المجلفن والمتعرج والمبطن من الداخل بطبقة من الجلد. يقدر عمر البطانة الجلد بحوالى 5 سنوات. تشير الصورتين الثانية والثالثة إلى تطور مراحل إنشاء البرك والتى بعد الانتهاء …
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Nov 07 2012
Tilapia aquaculture in Gaza (Palestine) – In Arabic
Credit: Masoud Keshta (Palestine) تشير الصورة الأولى لعملية صيد لأسماك البلطى الأحمر بعد فترة من التربية تقدر بحوالى 6 شهور والتى بعدها يصل متوسط الوزن إلى حوالى 350 جرام للسمكة الواحدة. وهذا النوع من الأسماك مرغوب كثيرا في غزة ويصل متوسط السعر لحوالي 4 – 5 دولار أمريكى للكيلوجرام. تشير الصورة الثانية إلى البلطى النيلى …
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Mar 10 2012
Desert aquaculture of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt Part 1- General features
Credit: Mohamed El Gazaar (Egypt) The first photo shows tilapia harvest of grow-out tank in a desert fish farm with a production capacity of 120 tons of fish/year. The production practices are intensified in this farm whereas production ranges from 28-32 kg of tilapia/m3 during a 4-month growing season. The underground water of a temperature …
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Mar 04 2012
Desert aquaculture for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus when integrated with agricultural crops in Egypt Part 1- General features (in Arabic)
Credit: Mohamed El Gazzar (Egypt) الملامح العامة لأحد نماذج الاستزراع السمكى للبلطى فى الصحراء فى مصر تشير الصورة الأولى إلى حصاد أسماك البلطى من أحد تانكات مزرعة سمكية فى الصحراء يتم إدارتها بالأسلوب المكثف حيث يتراوح الإنتاج فيها من 28 – 32 كيلوجرام للمتر المكعب خلال الموسم الإنتاجى مع العلم بأن الطاقة الإنتاجية للمزرعة 120 …
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Nov 05 2011
Integrated tilapia farming and agriculture in Wafra (Kuwait)
In this model, Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) has been farmed in concrete tanks in agriculture farms where agricultural crops such as alfa alfa, tomatoes, potatoes, onions, etc., are cultivated. Such integrated farms are located in several locations including Al-Wafra, the location the attach picture shows. In order to facilitate draining, tanks are constructed abovr ground level. Water used in these …
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