Source: Video credit: G. Venkata Raju (India) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The Chinese hatchery system became most popular throughout India especially the efficiency of the system is high and the cost (construction and operation) is less compared to other systems. These hatcheries are used for Chinese carps as well as Indian major carps. The …
Tag: Indian Major Carps
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Nov 13 2012
Development of freshwater aquaculture in Myanmar
Credit: Zaw Zaw Htwe (Myanmar) Myanmar’s fish culture has started in 1953 with imported Tilapia mossambica. By 1988, there were only 2550 hectares of fish ponds in the whole country. As fish was realized to be the stable diet for the people and one of the potential industry in the national economy of Myanmar, the State Peace …
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Nov 08 2012
Distribution of subsidized fish seeds (India)
Credit: Nantinora Kharbuli (India) This photo shows the distribution of subsidized fish seeds under the Scheme- Marketing and Transport of Fish and Fish Seeds in which the farmers are paying 50% of the actual costs of fish seeds. The Government has formulated the scheme in order to popularize fish culture in the state and to further …
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Mar 11 2012
Harvest of Indian carps (India) – Video
Credit: Indian fish farmers and G. Venkata Raju (India) Labeo rohita (Rohu) and Catla catla (Boche) are two popular fishes among the Indian Major Carps in fish farming practices. The production ranges between 15 – 20 ton/ha at the places where the carp farming is going on in commercial way. The farmers use conventional feeds …
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