Credit: Jamila Ibrahim and Lucka Paschal (Tanzania) The inserted picture is for an integrated agriculture-aquaculture system carried out in Songea, Ruvuma, Tanzania. The acreage of the rice field is about one hectar while the harvest amounts about four tons of rice and 100 kg of tilapia which is commonly used in such integrated system. …
Tag: rice-fish culture
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Jul 31 2016
Culture of “Mola” in rice fields in Bangladesh
Photos’ credit: World Fish Center Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the website) Mola (Amblypharyngodon mola) is a small indigenous fish that do exist in household ponds and natural waters in Bangladesh. In addition to its content of animal protein, mola is rich in vitamin A (20 times higher than commonly …
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Oct 06 2015
Small-scale aquaculture in rural development (2015)- lecture
The inserted lecture has been delivered in the regional and international training courses. The lecture starts with features of rural communities in regard to livelihoods and social aspects highlighting the importance of fish to rural communities. A subsequent part of the lecture focused on the models of small-scale aquaculture projects which fit best the rural …
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Feb 13 2015
Intergated riz-poisson au Sénégal (in French)
Credit: Makhtar Ndiaye (Senegal) Un producteur privé associant la production de riz à l’élevage de tilapia des eaux douces à Richard-Toll dans la région de Saint-Louis /Sénégal. Rizipisciculture est une pratique pas trop fréquente dans cette zone, mais avec une bonne vulgarisation elle pourra prendre un envol, pour vu que les ressources …
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Jun 05 2014
Small-scale aquaculture in rural development (updated 2014 version)
This lecture was delivered in the Fish Culture Development training course which is annually organized by the Egyptian International Centre for Agriculture (EICA). The lecture addressed the features of rural communities as an introduction to rural aquaculture. The appropriate farming system had to discuss the farming systems as well as the species. Models of rural …
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Dec 14 2013
Aquaculture development in Mali
Credit: Sekou Oumar Coulibaly and Bamba Kadidiatou Soumare (Mali) Aquaculture in Mali is relatively recent and was first practiced in the early 80s. The prolonged drought negatively affected the development of aquaculture and reduced its contribution in the programs for rural and agricultural development. Launching a 3-year Mali/CRSP Project (2007-2010) targeted to promote aquaculture through …
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Sep 28 2013
Rice-fish culture in Madagascar (development and outlook)
Photo credit: BE Jean Jacques Review: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The integration between rice and fish is an old practice in Madagascar that goes back to around 1900. The practice began with several fish species which are namely common carp (Cyprinus carpio), goldfish (Carassius auratus), and black diamond cichlid (Paratilapia pollen). Recently, tilapia is being …
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Dec 15 2011
Integrated rice-fish culture in Nepal
Credit: Deepak Bhusal (Nepal) Rice-fish culture contributes significantly to fish production in Nepal and provides fish especially to rural communitities. In Nepal Indigenous fish species such as snake head, Puntius sp, Heteropneustes fossilis are found in significant quantities in flooded rice fields. There is a governmental program managed by Fisheries Development Directorate which supports rice-fish integrated system that provides technical as …
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