Tag: nursing of tilapia fry

Hatchery-produced tilapia Seed in Namibia

Credit: Ndikwetepo Oiva (Namibia) The photos show the facilities of a hatchery in the seed production of tilapia in Namibia.  The earthen ponds shown in the photos are square of 225 m2 surface are (15×15 m).  Hatched fry are stocked in aquariums and then after in plastic tanks which are furnished with a filtration system …

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Production unit for the production and nursing of tilapia fry in Fayoum, Egypt

This photo shows a simple unit for the production and nursing of tilapia fry in Egypt. The whole unit is made of locally available materials, whether the structure or the incubators (made of clay pots). The estimated numbers of produced fry of this unit matches the size of the pond.  Ideally, before starting a production …

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Small-scale freshwater fish hatchery in Sierra Leone

The justification of this project proposal relied on the modest status of aquaculture (40 tons) compared to the high demand on fish in Sierra Leone. The annual production target of this project is a million tilapia fingerlings. The location of the project has been specified and so human resources. Hapa system has been the chosen system for the …

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