Tag: pond stocking

Desert aquaculture in Fouja village, North Kordofan (Sudan) – Pond management

Credit: Mamoun Obeida (Sudan) The photos show series of the management practices applied to the fish pond in the desert area in Fouja village, Bara Locality- North Kordofan State. As shown in the photos, the pond has been filled with underground water before the stocking of Nile tilapia fingerlings. Throughout the growing season, fish are …

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Aquaculture promotion and cooperatives support in Rwanda – in French

Credit: Leandre Ndahayo (Rwanda) Afin de promouvoir l’aquaculture et encourager les coopératives, et comme le montre cette photo, les alevins sont stockés dans un étang à poissons de terre. Toutes les alevins proviennent d’une écloserie gouvernementale. L’Etat est responsable de tous les frais liés à alevins de l’écloserie vers les étangs. Note: We decided not to watermark …

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