Tag: salt extraction

Mitigation of rising salinity in Lake Qarun – Egypt

Video credit: Patrick Appenteng (Ghana), Charles Makuya (Malawi), Djouani Marcelin (Cameroon), and Marx Garcia (Philippines) Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal (Founder of the video channel) Lake Qarun (Fayoum – Egypt) was directly connected with River Nile in ancient times and so forming a natural reservoir of freshwater before being disconnected. Since then, the lake (~23,000 …

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Commercial salt extraction from Lake Qarun, Egypt (Video)

Credit for the video: Albert Mugabe(Uganda); Description: Abdel Rahman El Gamal Since the disconnection of Nile water reaching Lake Qarun (21,800 ha), Fayoum (Egypt), the lake has been facing the consequences of the rising of water salinity. This results of the evaporation of lake water that originates from agricultural draining water. The threating of salinity …

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