Credit: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO) – Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal عادة ما يكون الطور اليرقى 15 هو الذى يتم شراؤه من مفرخات الجمبرى حيث يتم تحضينها فى حضانات المزارع لفترة حوالى شهر قبل تخزين اليوافع بأحواض التربية وذلك كما هو الحال فى المزرعة التى تمثلها الصور الحالية والتى تكون فيها الحضانات …
Tag: survival rate
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Mar 16 2014
Culture of Indian white shrimp in Egypt: Nursing of post larvae (2 out of 6)
Credit: Sherif Sadek and Mohamed Sabry (ACO), Egypt Reporting: Abdel Rahman El Gamal The post larvae (PL) of the Indian white prawn (Penaeus indicus) upon purchasing from shrimp hatcheries are typically PL-15. Shrimp farms which have nursing facilities such as this farm receive the PL-15 shrimp for nursing in such polyethylene lined facility as shown …
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Sep 17 2013
Farming practices of freshwater prawn, macrobrachium rosenbergii in the Philippines
Credit: Hannibal M. Chavez (Philippines) The present practice of freshwater prawn farming is done in cages in the lake. This proved to be a viable technology since the culture period is relatively shorter (160 days) compared to pond culture (180 to 240 days) to achieve a marketable size prawn. Providing shelters to prawn at 1 pc …
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